6 Quotes & Sayings By Gugu Mbatharaw

Gugu Mbatha-Raw, born in South Africa in 1985, was educated at King's College School in Durban and the National School of Drama. She began her career in London, where she worked on numerous productions before moving to America. She is perhaps best known for her performances in the television series Life As We Know It (2006), Belle (2011), Beyond the Lights (2014) and Loving (2015). She recently completed shooting the independent film I Am Not a Witch (2016).

Because of my job, my hair gets played with a lot on set, so I try to give it little bit of breathing space when I'm not working. Gugu MbathaRaw
For me, I try and be authentic in my choices and follow my instincts, and I think it's a valuable message for women in today's society to learn to love yourself. Gugu MbathaRaw
You've got to find a way to relate to people. I just did an improvised episode for Joe Swanberg's new Netflix show, 'Easy, ' and it was a huge learning curve for me and taught me so much about fear and courage. But when you're present in the moment, the audience, it's incomparable. Gugu MbathaRaw
This is going to sound really sad, but I didn't really have any heartthrobs when I was growing up. I was a bit of a geek. Gugu MbathaRaw
Watching and learning from the great Josette Bushell-Mingo, who was playing Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra at the time, and then to return to the same stage six months later playing a lead role, was incredible - I fell in love with the poetry and the breadth of the language so much that I didn't want it to end. Gugu MbathaRaw